FlowPilot - Data Driven gameplay creation tool

About FlowPilot

FlowPilot is a powerful Unreal Engine plugin designed to simplify and accelerate the development of rich, interactive gameplay experiences.

Key Features

:art: Intuitive Design Tools

  • Custom FlowPilot Editor: Create gameplay sequences and interactive objects with ease
  • Visual Flow Creation: Design complex gameplay logic without extensive coding
  • Blueprint & C++ Support: Create new tasks in Blueprint or Cpp

:jigsaw: Modular Architecture

  • Reusablility: Maximize efficiency by reusing tasks and entire FlowPilot Assets
  • Data-Driven Approach: Easily adapt and scale your gameplay systems
  • Seamless Integration: Compatible with existing Unreal Engine projects

:zap: Performance Aware

  • Performance-First Approach: CPU Cycles, VisualLogs, and Profiler Traces to monitor CPU usage in real-time
  • Efficient Actor Management: Prefetching system for optimized actor access
  • Automatic Lifetime Control: Streamlined management of spawned actors

:hammer_and_wrench: Versatile Implementation

  • GameplayTag Integration: Easily locate and manage actors in levels
  • Extensible Task System: Use built-in Tasks or create bespoke ones for your game
  • Pre-built Task Library: Get started quickly with included FlowPilotTasks

:rocket: Benefits for Your Team

  • Accelerated Development: Reduce time spent on repetitive tasks
  • Improved Collaboration: Share and reuse assets across your team
  • Scalable for All Projects: Suitable for solo, indie or large teams
  • Accessible Learning Curve: Intuitive for beginners, powerful for experts

:checkered_flag: Getting Started

  1. Download and install FlowPilot from the Unreal Engine Marketplace
  2. Open the Content Example Map, and play around with FlowPilot Data assets
  3. Check our documentation and tutorials for your first steps

:books: Support and Resources

Wether you work solo or with a small team, this will improve your iteration time in building your game.

Link to Marketplace:

By default, FlowPilot comes packed with enough pre-built tasks to get you going, and over time, you’ll create each new task with regards to your custom game needs.

I’m open to suggestions and feedback, so don’t hold back.
If you’re a solo dev and want to try the version, join our discord and DM me.

Ext. Links: Documentation / X-Twitter / Discord

Have a nice one!

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Happy Saturday!

Just pushed an update (v0.9.2) for FlowPilot containing a few bug fixes, quality of life improvements and new pre-built tasks!

Changelog (v0.9.2)

- Add: New FPTask_PossessPawn, allowing pawn possession by Players or AI
- Add: New FPTask_PlayAnimation. Similar to BTTask_PlayAnimation, but can play animation on multiple Pawns, and has Soft Pointer to Anim Asset.
- Fix: Spawning new Classes at runtime with existing cached Tags will properly cache them as well.
- Fix: Crash when pasting Task form one FlowPilotAsset to another
- Fix: Some undo functionality has been restored
- Fix: Properly removes null tasks when saving.
- Add: Task Palette now has a search box to filter out the list of Tasks.
- Update: Task Palette has Categories expanded by default now.
- Update: Exposed method to grab Brushes directly from Tasks for customization

Feel free to ask any question!

More info on the store page: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/88621a7957c0435991e5d0ce327e9f68

Or https://www.FlowPilot.dev

FlowPilot was updated to v0.9.3 bringing a lot of fixes and quality of life improvements. Price was also updated!
Give it a go!



Breaking change:

Unimplemented Tick tasks no longer automatically succeed, allowing FlowPilotComponent to continue execution.
FinishTask has to be called for the task to complete, or implement Tick and return manually.

  • Feature: Allows changing ticking group in Project Settings.
  • Add: Modal to confirm task deletion
  • Add: Automatic Documentation export to FlowPilot.dev
  • Add: Flow Pilot asset can be created from the Content Browser via the Gameplay Menu
  • Add: New Option to spawn Class at a specific world location/rotation
  • Fix: Rare crash when Task was selected without Outer Class.
  • Fix: Crash on Demo Map when you don’t have a class to spawn, but still play the game. Gracefully Log and Exit instead of crash.
  • Fix: Parallel Task was not respecting disabled nodes.
  • Update: Set default spawn lifetime to persistent
  • Update: Move Defines to FlowPilotGlobals.h
  • Update: Remove Root Task and Children from details view. No longer needed as the Tree view works correctly.
  • Update: Demo Maps and basic TP Character to remove Dependencies.
  • Update: Default Root node is named after data asset now upon creation
  • Update: Change Delegates to dynamic multicast to allow subscribing via BP
  • Update: Simplify finishing of ongoing tasks by calling FinishTask.
  • Update: Rename UFPTask_FlowActorAsset to UFPTask_SubFlow to make it more akin to a group of FlowTasks. (aka SubTree)
  • Update: Remove UFPTaskRunner. Simplified method calls so that most of it is handled via UFPTask_Sequencer. UFPTask_Selector now inherits from UFPTask_Sequencer and swaps Success/Fail behavior