I currently have part of my floor (cube) with no collider which the character falls to their death. In order to get across you have to shoot a target across the floor in order to turn the collider on. How would i go on doing this?
Which part are you having trouble with? What have you tried? What do you know how to do?
This question comes off a little as a request for a custom tutorial, but basic interactions like this have loads of tutorials out there. If you’ve got a specific issue stopping you from doing it (e.g. you’d normally think to do X but that’s not working) then it’ll be easier to get answers.
I have a being overlap going into Set Actor Enable Collision on the box with the trigger that once a projectile hits it. I assume that’s what is needed but how do i connect this to the floor that i need it to trigger the collision. Currently the floor is set to no collider
The overlap is a good way to do it - you can make a public actor variable in the target object and use that variable in a set actor enable collision node.
Then you need to connect the actor variable to the collision object. Place the target in the world and use the eye dropper to link the variable to your walkable platform actor.