Floating Pawn Movement: Collision causing movement to stop

I have a custom pawn with a floating pawn movement component. The root of the pawn is a static mesh component, which is using it’s own collision body. I have the pawn using “Add movement Input” on tick. Although it moves somewhat as expected, it keeps getting caught by it’s collision, and stopping moving (velocity decreases to 0,0,0). I think it’s the collision because I set collision to “NoCollision” and it works as expected. I’m not using physics or gravity because my game is locked to the x and y axis. I’ve check to make sure that the bounds of the Static Mesh’s collision do not trespass the floor (I even put it up in the air), but the bug still occurs. Any ideas? I’d really appreciate help.

I think that this might’ve been caused by blocking collision. One pawn was causing the other block with the floor, causing it to stop moving. Pretty straightforward.