Hey guys, need some help. I’m doing a top-down shooter where the player character is a ship that moves on a flat plane, but can climb or descend ramps - the move plane gets to a new height.
I’m doing an AI template and I want to have them descend or ascend to the player height level.
I’m spawning them in a volume and have them stick to walls or floor at random heights. First step in my behaviour tree is getting them to move on Z to the player height level. However, they won’t move at all unless they’re sitting right on top of the navmesh - theyr movement is constrained to the navmesh plane. How do I implement an Z offset to them? I want them to use the navmesh (which is just a flat plane with some obstructions) but float on top of it. They won’t be flying and I don’t need 3D navigation. Z movement will only happen as a separate step, then they’ll be moving or attacking on a flat plane above (or in some cases below) the navmesh. I want to use navigation points on the navmesh, but have my enemies on a variable offset from it. Any ideas?