For the life of me I can’t figure this out. I made a house in 3ds max and imported it as a FBX file into UE4. When I go inside the house, you can see through the walls. So I imported the fbx file back into 3ds max, selected the faces and flipped the normals. When importing these back into UE4 it’s reversed, the outside walls are invisible but the insides are opaque with material. How do I make it so that both walls (inside and out) are opaque? You can download the file and check it out for yourself.
There is a setting in UE4 which allows to draw materials on both sides of mesh. To fix this check Double Sided Geometry Option under Static mesh settings inside Mesh Editor. Also check Two Sided Lighting in Details Panel.
Hey (:
I can’t check your fbx at the moment. Could you post a picture of your model? Without i can only guess:
The problem is, that a plane in 3D normaly only has one side. So if you create a wall for your house as a plane, it will only have 1 side textured. The other side is translucent.
I don’t know about the setting “TheNoob” mentioned, but you could check if this easily solves it for you.
But i don’t really think that it will. Your house should have 2 different texture on each side, for the wall outside and the fassade inside. But one Plane will only use one square for the UV Map. So it will have the same texture on both sides.
What you need to do is model your House with boxes as walls. This will give your 6 sides. Or 6 Planes. You can deletes planes or sides you don’t need.
I hope this helps you. If not, please post a screen of your model so i can have a view on it.
TheNoob’s answer did not work and I don’t have the time for the second option as I’m reaching a deadline but thank you for the answers, what I did was duplicate the house and flipped the normals on it, re-imported it and aligned it with the first house so it just looks like one house with all sides opaque.
And also make sure that the material is set to two-sided.