How can I add multiply textures to make an animated material because my animation is too long and if i make one file that contains every single frame of it, its will be over the supported 8k size. Do i need to make shorter animations or is there any solution ?
the only way i know is to make it into a video and use it as a video texture ?
edit :also i just found this tutorial i think this should sove ur problem
What does a flipbook has to do with an animated material(video texture)?
Flipbooks swaps spites to create the illusion of movement. Hence the name flipbooks. Every sprite comes from a single texture unless you are using a json from texture packer that adds many png’s to a single texture and uses json coordinates to split them into sprites later on.
Could you please explain a little better what is the problem you are facing so i can further assist you?
Maybe the original user wants to use the animated texture on the surface of a certain static mesh?
Sadly you cannot use Paper2D Flipbooks as materials on a mesh. I really wish you could, they’re so much easier to manage than Flipbook Materials in the material editor.