Flight Instrument Pack

Welcome to the support page for the Flight Instrument Pack, where you can ask any support questions or feature requests for future updates.

Thank you.


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Showcase Video:

Example Project Setup
Project Setup (Engine Version 4.26)

  1. Create a new project from the Flying Template with the following settings
  • Blueprint Project
  • Maximum Quality
  • Raytracing: Disabled
  • Desktop Platform
  • No Starter Content
  1. Name project “Flying”
  2. Add Flight Instrument Pack to the project

All flight instruments, in the instrument widget blueprint, operate from the class type pawn reference which is set from the “GetOwningPlayerPawn” function. The pawn reference is used to get the pawns velocity, rotation, and location from the “GetVelocity”, “GetActorRotation”, and “GetActorLocation” functions.

Pawn Setup (FlyingPawn)

Adding the Demo Cockpit Widget

  1. Find the Event Begin Play
  2. From this event, connect the (Set) Show Mouse Cursor and set it to True. The target references the “Get Player Controller” with Player Index: 0.
  3. From the (Set) Show Mouse Cursor, connect the Create Widget with the Class “DemoCockpitSinglePanel”. The Target references the Get Player Controller with Player Index: 0.
  4. From the Create Widget, add to the viewport.
  5. Compile and save.

Floating Pawn Movement Component

This component makes use of the pawn’s “velocity”.

Only the Airspeed Indicators and the Vertical Speed Indicators make use of the “GetVelocity” Function. If these instruments are not required, skip this step.

​​​​​​1. Find the Component panel and click Add Component.
2. Search and add “FloatingPawnMovement” component
3. In the Details panel, find the category “Floating Pawn Movement”.
4. Set the parameters to default.
5. In the Event Graph, find the Event Tick.
6. Delete the “AddActorLocalOffset” function and the function’s Delta Location references.
7. From the “AddActorLocalRotation” function, connect the “AddMovementInput” function. The “World Direction” references the “GetActorForwardVector” function, and set “Scale Value” to 1.0.
8. Compile and save.

[HR][/HR] Drag and Drop Widget Setup

  1. In the “\Content\Flight_Instrument_Pack\Widgets\DemoCockpitWidgets” folder, create a new User Widget, named “Demo”.
  2. Open the widget and select Designer Mode.
  3. Find the Palette panel and scroll to “User Created”.
  4. select an instrument.
  5. Drag and drop the instrument into the Designer Tab viewport or into the hierarchy panel.
  6. Customize the size and position of the instrument in the viewport.
  7. With the instrument selected, find the details panel and search for “Instrument Settings”
  8. Set the parameters to default.
  9. Compile and save the widget
  10. Open the “FlyingPawn” and find the Event Begin Play with Create Widget.
  11. Set the Create Widget class reference to “Demo” widget.
  12. Compile and save the pawn.


[HR][/HR] Texture Mip Generation Settings

With engine versions 4.20 and later, the engine no longer auto generates mip maps with UI Texture Group settings. Set the “Mip Gen Settings” in the “Level Of Detail” category for your target screen resolution and development platform.
[HR][/HR] Product Tutorials

The Flight Instrument Pack includes (7) Tutorial Blueprint assets in the following locations:

  • \Content\Flight_Instrument_Pack\FlightInstrumentOverview
  • \Content\Flight_Instrument_Pack\Tutorials\AirspeedIndicatorTutorial
  • \Content\Flight_Instrument_Pack\Tutorials\AltimeterTutorial
  • \Content\Flight_Instrument_Pack\Tutorials\AttitudeIndicatorTutorial
  • \Content\Flight_Instrument_Pack\Tutorials\SimpleCompassTutorial
  • \Content\Flight_Instrument_Pack\Tutorials\TVMDCCompassTutorial
  • \Content\Flight_Instrument_Pack\Tutorials\VSI_Tutorial [HR][/HR]