Flight Computer

Support page

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The real-world formulas used for the Flight Computer computations.


AGL = Above Ground Level (Ft)
IA = Indicated Altitude (Ft)
GE = Ground Elevation (Ft)
PA = Pressure Altitude (Ft)
DA = Density Altitude (Ft)
BP = Barometric Pressure (Hg)
OAT = Outside Air Temperature (Deg. (C)/(F))
ST = Standard Temperature (Deg. (C))
P = Pressure (Pascals)
Tv = Virtual Temperature (K)

  • AGL = IA – GE
  • Conventional = PA = IA + ((29.92 - BP) * 1000)
  • Scientific = PA = IA + (145,442.16 * (1 - ((BP/29.9213) Power(0.190263))))
  • Conventional = DA = PA + (120 * (OAT – ST))
  • Scientific = DA = 3280.84 * (44.3308 – (11.1802 * ((P / Tv) Power (0.234969))))


TAS = True Airspeed (Relative)
CAS = Calibrated Airspeed (Relative)
DR = Relative Density (Ratio)
Vs = Speed of Sound (Knots)
T = Temperature (K)
MN = Mach Number

  • TAS = CAS / (Sqrt (DR))
  • Vs = 643.855 * ((T / 273.15) Power (0.5))
  • MN = TAS / Vs


[SIZE=14px]FR = Fuel Rate (Relative/Per Hour)
TF = Total Fuel (Relative)
FE = Fuel Endurance (Min)[/SIZE]

  • FR = TF / (FE / 60)
  • FE = (TF / FR) * 60
  • TF = FR * (FE / 60)

Speed, Time, and Distance:

Gs = Groundspeed (Relative/Per Hour)
Tm = Total Time (Min)
Dis = Distance (Relative)

  • Gs = Dis / (Tm / 60)
  • Dis = Gs * (Tm / 60)
  • [SIZE=14px]Tm = (Dis / Gs) * 60[/SIZE]


GD = Glide Distance (Ft)
GR = Glide Ratio (Ratio)
HL = Height Loss (Ft)

  • GR = GD / HL
  • GD = (GR * HL)/1
  • HL = (GD * 1) / GR

Compass and Bearing:

TH = True Heading (Deg.)
Var = Variation (+- Deg.)
MH = Magnetic Heading (Deg.)
Dev = Deviation (+- Deg.)
CH = Compass Heading (Deg.)
RD = Reciprocal Direction (Deg.)
D = Direction (Deg.)

  • CH = (TH +- Var) +- Dev
  • RD = D - 180


Hw = Headwind Speed (Relative Speed)
Tw = Tailwind Speed (Relative Speed)
Ws = Wind Speed (Relative Speed)
WD = Wind Direction (Deg.)
Rwy = Runway Heading (Deg.)
Cw = Crosswind Speed (Relative Speed)
WCA = Wind Correction Angle (Deg.)
TC = True Course (Deg.)
Hdg = Heading (Deg.)
TAS = True Airspeed (Relative)
Gs = Groundspeed (Relative/Per Hour)

  • Hw = Ws * cos(WD – Rwy)
  • Tw = Ws * cos(WD – Rwy)
  • Cw = Ws * sin(WD – Rwy)
  • WCA = asin((Ws * sin(WD – TC)) / TAS)
  • Hdg = TC + WCA
  • Gs = (TAS * cos(WCA)) - (Ws * cos(WD – TC))
  • Ws = sqrt ((sq(Gs) + sq(TAS)) - (2 * Gs * TAS * cos(TC – Hdg)))
  • WD = TC + asin(TAS * sin(Hdg – TC) / Ws)
  • [SIZE=14px]WD = TC - asin(TAS * sin(Hdg – TC) / Ws) + 180[/SIZE]
