
I am new to Unreal Engine, and this is probably a dumb question to ask, but I was wondering how would you show a text (that is on a wall in a game) that only appears when a flashlight is hovering over it?

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you could use line trace or a system to when it activate the overlap text set visibility to true

That would just make the text pop in and out of existence. A smooth way would be to only show the text widget through another object which renders with custom depth. The lighting system itself is not used for this effect, it’s a material effect.

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i made something fast with the first person shooter template for you but it work.

1: in the first person character add a variable called isflashlightopen? then add the blueprint for when f is press and released with the variable

2: create an actor

3: add a text render inside the actor you created

4: add this blueprint inside of the actor

5: add the actor to the world and press play then press F to show the text (simulated flashlight)

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@SamuelCrevier @Roy_Wierer.Seda145

Just wanted to thank you for answering me. I was kind of nervous to post anything. I’ll try them out when I get some time today. Once again, thank you.

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let me know if it ‘resolve’ your problem

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Sorry for the late reply, but it works. Thank you.