Flashlight won't work when picked up

So I have a working pickup system which is used by pressing ‘E’, and I wanted to make the game so when you pick up a flashlight you can turn it on or off when you want but this function won’t work because I can’t properly reference one blueprint from another since I’m new to UE5, I need to put something in the target for the FlashlightOn function in BP_PMH but I don’t know what or how, pls help :pray:t3:

Yha. the problem is at the end. you need to drag out from return and connect it to a FOR loop, then you can call the function


NOTE. this will turn all the flashlights ON in the level… i dont know if thats your desired effect!

Nope, still won’t work for me I don’t know why, it doesn’t say there’s anything wrong with the code and no errors show in the message log when I press it and stop play testing, I can pick it up and press the button but the light doesnt go on or off.

Firstly figure out if the enhanced input action is configured correctly and the “Print” command is being executed. I have done this “get all actors of class” many many times, without issue, so i would think that the problem is in the enhanced input actions.

Also, look into “Blueprint Interfaces” and “Event Dispatches”. they are a more refined way of communicating between blueprints…