Hey guys I have a strange problem and I hope you have a solution. My flashlight only works near other trigger boxes (doors, light switches…). Of course, the flashlight itself also has a trigger box so I can pick it up and drop it, etc. Does anyone have any ideas?
You only the overlap box on the flashlight to pick it up. Once you have it, you should always be able to use it, not just when it’s overlapping something…
Yeah but how? What do i have to change?
I know it should be like this but it’s not like that… if the box of the flashlight touches another box then the input is disabled and I can’t turn it off or on anymore. It should be the case that the flashlight box only reacts to my character, but I don’t know how to set it up
You could put a boolean test in here
IsHeld. If the item is held, you don’t need to turn the input on and off like this. You can always allow input.
You’re seeing the downside of this overlap method of interaction ( which I think is rife on youtube ). What happens when you have more than one thing in your possession that can be turned on and off. It’s going to get a bit fiddly.
Also, it’s a good idea to do a cast to check what is actually overlapping with the box. These actors can overlap many things. You wouldn’t want the torch to be enabled, just because the player put it down on something else with an overlap box…
I got it that was the solution
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Ah, very good ( not the default ).
So you only have the problem that once you have it, its always overlapping with the pawn. So you’ll need something there…