Flashlight could show the world in colour


I would like your help on how to make it possible to see the world in “colour” (map) using the light of my flashlight? All I would like is to have a black and white Post Process effect in the world, and the flashlight light where I shine would be illuminated in color (quasi default state). I hope it’s clear what I’d like, apologies if I’ve phrased it a bit strangely, in any case thanks a lot in advance for your replies! <3

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There are various tuuts on localized post process. Here’s one

I’ve explained this about 500 times, on this forum, somewhere…

So, it’s a local PP, but it’s the ‘opposite’ shape of the torch light.

So, it’s local, and the shape is everything that’s not the torch light. Does that make sense?

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I think I’ve got it! Thank you man!

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Show me when it works :smiley: