Loading key pair from
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows
(64-bit)): UnrealPak:
LogPakFile:Display: Testing signature
keys. UATHelper: Packaging (Windows
(64-bit)): UnrealPak:
LogPakFile:Error: Keys do not properly
encrypt/decrypt data (failed test with
11) UATHelper: Packaging (Windows
(64-bit)): UnrealPak:
LogPakFile:Error: Unable to create a
signed pak writer.
i tried to follow :
to generate key pairs. but failed to generate private key exponent.
it is runnning for almost 2 hour. still nothing.
Does it actually work?
and it is using 100% of my cpu. so ue4 editor is useless bcz of this.
Can anybody provide a sample password to check the system, before wasiting time on it ?
The prime number arguments must be -P= and -Q=, you’re repeating P twice. And by looking at the source code, the numbers must be given in hexadecimal (the 0x prefix is optional but the string is still treated as hexadecimal). This will prevent the executable from searching for large primes by itself which can take a really long time but it may still try to validate if they are primes indeed which can also take some time, so if you know for sure P and Q to be primes you can skip the checks completely by specifying -NoVerifyPrimes.