I have created level umap ( Master.umap) referencing a sublevel umap ( SubLevel.umap ) in same folder /Game/Maps/Foo . Then later on I moved the sublevel umap into a sub-folder /Game/Maps/Foo/Bar under the parent folder , and I notice a redirector file ( SubLevel.umap ) of very small file-size was created automatically under the /Game/Maps/Foo for the moved sublevel .
I then run ResavePackages commandlet with switches -FixupRedirects -ResaveDirectRefsAndDeps -IgnoreChangelist -AutoCheckIn -AutoCheckOut -PROJECTONLY -NODEV .
A log was obtained and it shows :
LogContentCommandlet:Display: Loading …/xyz/Content/Maps/Foo/Master.umap
LogContentCommandlet:Display: Resaving package […/xyz/Content/Maps/Foo/Master.umap] (UE4 Version: 517, Licensee Version: 1 Saved UE4 Version: 517, Saved Licensee Version: 1)
LogContentCommandlet:Display: Correctly saved: […/xyz/Content/Maps/Foo/Master.umap].
LogContentCommandlet:Display: Can’t delete redirector […/xyz/Content/Maps/Foo/SubLevel.umap], unsaved packages reference it
From the editor I can see that only /Game/Maps/Foo/Master is referencing it .
Why the commandlet failed to delete the redirector file ?