I’m 4 weeks new into Unreal and 3D animation… Following tutorials everywhere and I can’t understand how to fix my current problem
I’ve created a character with photogrammetry,
Then I’ve created a basic skeleton for it and basic animation with Mixamo.
I would Like to my Character’s movement with take recorder while controlling it…
But the camera angle is OFF…
When I use the default third person character proposed by unreal, I CAN record it nicely, assigning “Player” to the take recorder. And the camera angle I get from that is the same as main Camera shown in the blueprint of character.
As soon as I relink the third person character to my Created character…
Its main Camera is showing behind its head in blue print like it should,
BUT when assigning Player to Take recorder, this time the camera films my character from the top …
I’ve tried to move the main camera in blue prints…
Like … Rotate it 90º underneath my character in Blue Prints to have it at a normal place in take recorder… It’s kind of work for the recording part, but it also changes the way i view my character when i play it so it becomes super hard to move it because of twisted camera references…
And the parallel animation created during each take appears ok on the map when I play it, but if i open it to access its details it shows my character laid on the floor…
I don’t know if it’s clear… But if one get to understand what’s going on and help me I’d much appreciate it…