Fixing my AutoLandscapeMaterial

Hi there,

So I started to get into Blender and through that I started to get into UE4.
I’m an absolute amateur so I just started to get into the Basics, I imported a Heightmap as Landscape, created/imported my own few textures and foliage models, created my first AutoLandscape-Material by following tutorials and even though its definitly nothing special im actually quite happy with my results so far. But of course there are a LOT of things that aint perfect…
The problem I’m trying to solve for now is this:

I’m happy with how the 3 Textures I used for this basic material (rock, dirt, gras) automaticaly change depending on the slope of my landscape BUT I’m not happy about the grass that I use, because it just spawns everywhere… I know that the Problem has something to to with the layer blend node but since I just tried to follow the tutorials and not really understand 90% of whats really happening I just cant find a sollution to this…

Here are a few Screenshot of my AutoLandscapeMaterial:

Maybe someone can help me change the Material so that the Textures appear the same Way, but the gras only spawns on the Gras texture and not on the stone/dirt…
If you need more information please let me know and thanks in advance :slight_smile:

(I hope this isnt the wrong place to post this, if so I’m sorry^^)

I’m pretty sure the grass sample node take a 0-1 value and will spawn more grass if it’s nearer 1.

Normally, that means sampling a layer that already exists, but I believe you can feed it a float from anywhere. The absolute height comes to mind, or level areas, which I assume you have covered somewhere in your auto material.

To be honest I still dont really understand it.
So I can put a different node(float/absolute height…) into the grass output to limit the grass to spawn only on the gras texture? or maybe limit the grass to spawn only to a certain slope angle?
If so could you show me how to do that in more detail?
thank you for the answer!

*update: so i gave up on the material and started over (following prismaticdev’s auto cliff tutorial if somebody else is in my position) and it worked! hurray! thanks @ clockworkocean

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