My dialogue box text overflows currently so that it goes outside the box when I include too many words / a full paragraph. The text is wrapping correctly… but what I want is an option to have an elipses “…” or a “next” feature, so that you can go to the next paragraph of dialogue, without it overflowing from the dialogue box.
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I don’t think there is a “…” out-of-the box feature. I think you’ll have to make it manually (split the text in pages and implement the next/previous logic)
This can be quite easy if you don’t need it to be perfect - split based on a number of characters. It gets progressively to harder to find where the text should break when you have to deal with localization or different font and screen sizes etc.
You can check how AutoWarpText works in C++ to find where to put the next line and to split the pages at proper line, however I don’t think it will be easy.
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