[FIXED] 4.27 - Some windows disappear without reasons (Components, Details, event graph)

Hello everyone, not sure if this is the right place (first post here and I’m quite new into unreal engine)

So, I was trying to create a new character blueprint. When I open it, everything is fine.
When I close it, and re-open it (immediately and without touching anything), some windows disappear (components, details, event graph), the windows menu loses some options and I just don’t know how to fix that.

Fixes I tried so far:
-Deleting and re-installing Unreal Engine
-Verifying the entire Engine files
-Window → Layout → Load Layout → Default Editor Layout

Here’s a short video where I replicated my issue (I did replicated it few times, it always happens)

FIXED: I’ve asked in the Unreal Slackers discord, and someone told me to go in the the “Window” → “Class Defaults” when it happens, then “Open Full Bleuprint editor” (in blue)

I just accidentally found a “fix” - I opened the output log and docked it to the bottom of the screen then it just magically fixed itself.

No clue why.