Fix for Virtual Keyboard on Android with UE 5.4 not showing up

I encountered the issue and in Unreal slackers we found out that there is a fix that doesn’t require engine recompilation


 line 6397
 -      public class VirtualKeyboardInput extends androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatEditText 
 +	// BEGIN META SECTION - Keyboard Fix
 +	public class VirtualKeyboardInput extends EditText
 +	// END META SECTION - Keyboard Fix
 line 6430
 -	super.onSelectionChanged(selStart, selEnd);
 +	// BEGIN META SECTION - Keyboard Fix
 +	//super.onSelectionChanged(selStart, selEnd);
 +	// END META SECTION - Keyboard Fix

Thank you for this truly, all of a sudden my keyboard stopped showing after some changes in the project and I was clueless. Stumbled upon this and boom, works like a charm!


Here is fix

thanks if only i found this video before i had this issue

Thank You <3
Works for 5.5

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