I’ve encounter a serious problem to my project. While working on my AI, somehow I messed up the gamemode properties. Now, anytime I hit the play button the screen remains black and my character is frozen. I can still shoot so I believe the character can be poccessed but the camera does not work. Going into f8 free camera does not make anything visible. Creating a new camera while the engine is playing does dock the camera in a PIP but does not change the overall picture. I have tried editing the project settings in map and modes to make sure it picks the right blueprint. I have edited both the firstpersoncharacter BP and the gamemode directly. I have also modified the world settings and rebuilt the level to try to fix it. Finally, I created a new project and ported over their working copies of the two blueprints. I could not find anything else to do online. I am at a loss here, and am worried about losing all my progress because of this!
Hello, Welcome to the Forums.
I just have a troubleshooting tip for you, as a way to see if your gamemode is broken or if the pawn/character is broken.
If you just drop your pawn/character into a level and in its details choose: Auto Possess Player → Player 0, you’ll be able to possess the pawn without a game mode.
Hi Astrotronic, I appreciate the welcome!
Currently, I have migrated over a default BP_FirstPersonCharacter and gamemode files from a new project to use as a testing piece in case I have messed up my modified Blueprint. Both of which have replaced my versions for this test. Going into the details like you suggested and setting autopossess Player to player 0 does not solve the problem.
Prior to hitting play, everything looks fine to me. When selecting my character in the viewport, I have a working PiP of the camera in the bottom right.
When I hit play, it remains indefinitely black. In order to test if the possession worked, I pressed f8 and used the create camera actor here action. It does show a small window of the world but does not affect the greater viewport. Lastly, I pressed f8 again, walked forward and repeated the create camera steps. The new PiP did show that my player does move position.
Here is a reference photo so you can get an idea of what I am seeing.
Going into freecam and changing the view to unlit or wireframe also does not show any difference.
From this, I believe that the possession is working correctly. I have checked the blueprint camera to see if there are any issues there. I have verified that the camera’s autoactivate detail is on. I also played with the exposure option to make things very bright. No luck.
If I go to edit → project settings → maps and modes and switch the gamestate class from GameStateBase to GameState this does restore my vision and allows me to pan the camera, but does not allow for movement in this mode. I verified once again within my Blueprint that the movement input is correct. It is still the default input that comes with the project and the speed values are correctly set.
For more troubleshooting, I loaded in a new firstpersontemplate project. The play mode works just fine here, camera, movement and all. I believe it may be limited to some project specific setting or a specific issue with the viewport settings rather than a blueprint issue. I appreciate any other tips you may have.