First Verse Concept - Cube Puzzle Platformer

Hello! Here is a simple concept I’ve been working on as I try to slowly understand the fundamentals of both Verse and programming itself! :slight_smile:

I wanted to create a small cube game where the goal was to get a cube from Point A to Point B. With the intention of getting more familiar with Verse, I decided to add some additional ideas to lean more toward a puzzle idea. One of these additions was a Switch to toggle a platform ON/OFF when stepped onto, another idea was a small end transition when the cube lands on top of the end platform.

There were initially more ideas that were later scrapped, such as proper rotation animations for the cube as well as launchpads that would send the cube to platforms that are normally out of reach. I wasn’t making progress while trying to implement these into the game so I focused on keeping it simple for the concept.

I learned a lot from this experiment, from using Sequencer to create the cube movements and animations, to little things with UEFN and Verse. As someone who’s still wrapping my head around UEFN itself, it’s been really fun to learn and mess around with. :slight_smile:

(RayBenefields’s Game Jam Concept helped a lot with all the cube movements I was struggling to resolve so thanks!)


If you don’t make this into a full game I will be very angry. Amazing!!

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Haha thanks! I definitely want to develop some more level ideas!

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This is awesome! I would love to see more levels.

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Quick question, does this restrict your movement to the board configuration?

Not yet! I helped him set up the levels as 2d arrays so it’ll be easy to test movement!

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Way to go! Simplest is 99 or 100 percent of the time the way to go. It’s so hard to set the other ideas aside and work on the core. I like the idea and would like to play this in FN. Also, great first post!