First Time Sound Play = Delayed?

I am dealing exclusively with audio files as a track in Level Sequences (cinematics). The timing is off on first playback of the level sequence - off by only a few frames, but I’m doing highly detailed lip synch so that slight delay was enough to ruin the lip synch.

Given how common cut scenes and cinematics are in games, I’m shocked this is an issue that’s not addressed! Are AAA game studios who are using Unreal finding their own workarounds and not posting them here?

The “Force Inline” option worked 100% for me. I had many many audio files that needed this option set on them - you can’t set it on the “Master” audio class and keep the audio assets set to “inherit” - it must be done on each.

Luckily, you can select a bunch at the same time and right-click > Edit… and that will batch edit. Sometimes it’s the small things that make your lives easier! (which is good, because there are so many HUGE things in UE5 that make your life far, far worse!)

I do worry though that inlining all the audio will have an effect on memory usage or performance when talking about hundreds of minutes of audio…


Then I stand corrected!

(Though Bluetooth certainly WILL cause latency.)

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force inline with no preload fixed the problem for me.
i notice no issues with audio crackling

I tried the Spawn Sound 2D function and I don’t see any delay. This is what I stuck with in the end.