First Project - Any Roller Coaster enthusiasts? [Ridable Coaster!]

Thanks! I’m working on a day/night cycle, so I’m working on sounds for that. Definitely need some crickets, but I wanted to make them fade in and out instead of being super loud all the time :laughing: so DaVinci could help me with that.

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Love Da Vinci. Did not know about this free sfx library though! :o


Well the more you know!! Welcome!!

Wow. This is AMAZING!! I know this is an old post but I couldn’t not show it some love! Also I was wondering if there’s any chance you’d be willing to make a video / share more details on your process for creating this?

I’d love to add something like this myself into the map I’m creating but I wouldn’t have the first idea where to begin after modelling and texturing everything tbh.

I’ve tried looking on youtube but it seems there are no instructional videos out there yet, only showcase videos of people showing their own maps.

Thanks for sharing everything you’ve shared so far! I found it super informative and inspirational and can’t wait to see what you make next!

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