First Person Without The Person?

Hi all! Remember the game Myst? Where there is no character, just a mouse icon that changes when it goes over something interesting. I need a camera (?) that obeys gravity and looks wherever the mouse points. Also need a changing icon. Oh, and camera needs to jump and crouch if possible. Any ideas?
I’m thinking maybe First Person shooter without the shooter?
Thanks in advance!

Just make your own whatever. You don’t really need a starting base.
IF you want the movement to have gravity and stick to the floor you are probably better off using the default character BP.
You can manually set up movement nodes depending on need.

in order to move on mouse click you have to build a nav map and do some magic to convert the pointer location to a world x/y/z coordinate.
Pretty much covered in any Top Down example.

yeah you might as well use the default first person chrracter, just remove the weapon if you don’t want it. You get so much for free from the CharacterMovement component, even things like networking prediction and smoothing.

If you want some nice camera lag which might fit your game you can even do that, just add a spring arm component and set the range to 0 and place the camera on it, then give it some rotation lag.

To Crouch with it i think you have to enable it in the CharacterMovement, just mark the component and search for Crouch

There is, just mark then and set Visibility to false, or Hidden in game to true, or just delete them completely.

If you are using a C++ project you would have to remove them from the Construct() there

Here is a reference picture of where you can find itwhen you have a component selected.

Don’t forget this to mark this as answered so other people can find the solution :slight_smile:

I would but it is showing Zero answers. I guess comments don’t count. Could someone post any answer so I could mark it solved?
BTW, thank you for the screenie. I can have fun with this now!

Thank you for your tips, most appreciated!
First person would work for me. Wish there was a way to make the arms and gun hidden and disabled. But that would be too easy, lol. Maybe I could use a glass mesh? Haha!

Sure i can post it in the form of an answer, wouldn’t mind the karma :slight_smile:

yeah you might as well use the default first person chrracter, just remove the weapon if you don’t want it. You get so much for free from the CharacterMovement component, even things like networking prediction and smoothing.

If you want some nice camera lag which might fit your game you can even do that, just add a spring arm component and set the range to 0 and place the camera on it, then give it some rotation lag.

To Crouch with it i think you have to enable it in the CharacterMovement, just mark the component and search for Crouch

Here is a reference picture of where you can find how to set visibility or hidden in game you have a component selected.