First Person Story Adventure Template - Version 2.0

Hello everyone!

I just released a greater update for the** First Person Story Adventure Template**, that’s available on the marketplace for a few months now.
I’m very satisfied with the current state of the template, even if there are still things on my list I’d like to implement or improve.

The template contains a universal and simple to use interaction system, allowing developers to create all kinds of interactive objects for story adventure games and comes with a lot of useful prefab blueprints. It contains several Master Blueprints with examples for useful things like inspectable objects, readable letters, collectible journal entries, doors, drawers, cupboards, and more!

**Preview Video: **First Person Story Adventure Template for Unreal Engine - Version 2.0 (old version) - YouTube

Main Features:

  • Universal interaction system
  • Outline effect for interactive objects
  • Object inspection (with physics simulation)
  • Inspect objects and find hidden clues
  • Different **letter **blueprints
  • Collectible journal entries – Entries show up in player’s journal
  • Inventory system for objects and letters
  • Doors, drawers, cupboards
  • Doors can be locked by one click in the details panel, collect key with same ID to open
  • Simple to adapt drawer and cupboard blueprints, add your mesh and as many drawers or doors as you like
  • Collectible flashlight
  • Simple save and load system
  • Integrated example sounds

**Please check it out here: **…nture-template

I’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions as you would help me make this template even better in future!

Hi, I really like the project but I’m a noob trying to understand how it works, I came across a bit of blueprint that I’d like to understand why it is structured the way it is. So, regarding the interaction, why did you decide to use the interaction part inside the BP_GameController instead of inside the character? Also, why inside the BP_GameController > BeginPlay there is a “trace loop for interaction”? Does that means you trace constantly for “interactable” objects in front of the character?

If I’m way off just say so, I don’t want to bug you with long explanation!

Thank you!