first person shooter

Hello guys,

i have so newbie question i want to make that my character will look at him self like on this picture
but i cant move this that capsule component so collisions are not right look at this picture 2
can u help me pls ?

Thank very much

You have to scale the model to fit in the capsule.

Capsule is the root component, it cannot be moved. You have to move everything to be within the capsule, also use the radius and height on the capsule

Based on your image though, your origin location on the exported mesh is not centered in your modeling program. Either mesh isn’t centered or your pivot isn’t

So firstly i try to resize original capsule to 0x0 and make new one. But is not function in game.
Next i try to resize original capsule and move actor in but … look at this.

Where is your camera component?

Thats the problem :smiley: sorry i told i am newbie now just to set right settings thank very much :wink:

Add a camera component onto your character where you want it to be. Straight on the face for first person or on a spring arm attached to the head for third person