Hello, im trying to make a first person point and click adventure.
I have no coding background and know 0.001% of blueprints. (need to look at tutorials over and over and still learn nothing)
But what im trying to make is a movement system like the Atlantis game series and mysterious island. (I think myst had that too cannot remember.) Where the character is static and only have mouse to look around. I wanna be able to look in certain direction and when your mouse is pointing in that area , the cursor change from a crosshair to an arrow(as an example), when you click with mouse the character(camera in this case) moves to the next fixed location.
Anyone know how i can make this as simple as possible?
Im gonna tinker abit and see if i can make that myself. Been trying this a few times now but i give up fast.This time i wanna be able too. There is no tutorials for this kind of movement what i have seen.
There’s no way I can tell you exactly what to do, because this is a ‘whole thing’, but there areas you need to find out about to make this kind of interface are:
Change the default land movement mode in the first person character to ‘none’. This will stop the player just walking about.
You might use a Widget to show the movement cursor. Or, you could use a mesh in front of the camera
You’ll probably need to have ‘locator actors’ ( that’s not a thing ) dotted around the level, so your system knows where the character can move to next.
i have the mouselook character done already. I was thinking, is there a way to use box triggers to trigger from a distance using the “line” tick thing, cant remember the actual name. The basic box in this screenshot should be the boxtriggers