How do i change to first person in Small city LVL?
I searched around and didn’t find any definitive answer.
Thank You.
How do i change to first person in Small city LVL?
I searched around and didn’t find any definitive answer.
Thank You.
either aff first person template to project and set game mode to first person or if you want to keep all controls and character from city sample just add another camera to character , position it to be first person position and rotation and disable Auto start on original camera, you might also set blend mode to start on new camera or just add some control key to switch between 1st and 3rd person
target on blend is your character or controlled pawn and camera is your new camera
i have this in my player controller as it was better for my case but you can set it up in your character or whereever you wish
Hi Kryogenic,
I am encountering the same issue and I have attached my camera to the head position.
But my camera always just default to the 3rd person.
I see that you can turn off the auto start on the 3rd person camera.
just wondering where you could do that?
Much thanks
Ok, i just checked how is done and its actually different setup.
Go to Gameplay/Camera folder, open file BP_CitySampleCameraManager, you see different modes i duplicated Cam3P_Walking and made one called Cam1p_Walking and then edit that file and swap it with one OnFoot
you have to play with setting but its quite straightforward
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