First Person Models

I’ve followed every tutorial to the t multiple times and yet still i keep getting bugs with my character skeleton with the 1st person view. So process I have been doing is exporting the metal hatchet FPV file and importing it into Maya 2018 Lt. I import my sword model and unbind the hatchet from the skeleton. I then bind the sword to hatchet joint. I flood every other join to 0 and only hatchet joint to 1. So that hatchet joint only one that affect the sword. I follow Custom models for the Ark Dev Kit - Import Export - YouTube settings and how he binds everything. But still after all that I still get a skeleton bug or something.

So small update ive exported hatchet and reimported the fbx and it has same bug any ideas how to fix it?

looks like the 1st person animbp is missing

How do i fix that issue? sorry for late reply i was in car accident recently and been busy