First Person emplate how to add a weapon

I started using UE4 today, and I can’t seem to add a weapon to the first person controller. I have the model, materials, etc. But when I open the controller to edit it, I can’t add any objects.

Have you done this previously? Normally you would add the mesh to the player.

Adding the mesh is the problem. I can’t find anything that would allow me to do that.

You can replace the current weapon with your new one. If that doesn’t work, you need to spawn it and attached it to the hand socket:

Yeah that would work but my problem is that I can’t replace the original model because I can’t add the mesh.

I also can’t access the parts of the arms because there is no drop down arrow that allows me to see the parts.

I just made a default first person project, downloaded this:

deleted the gun in the first person character, and plonked a gun from the pack in it’s place:

I might be missing something…

Also did it by replacing the gun skel mesh with one from the pack. The only thing I had to do was make a socket with the name GripPoint ( because that’s what the construction script used ), and set the rotation rule to ‘keep world’.

No it doesn’t. So I could replace the gun if I rigged it basically. I use blender by the way. And thanks.

Sorry, almost impossible to troubleshoot remotely.

Does your gun have a skeletal mesh? Then you can just choose it, like in the pic above.

Yeah but you don’t understand. What I’m saying that I can’t put the gun model into the First Person Character in the first place. Which means I can’t replace anything.

Another Problem I’m having is that when I parent a gun to the first person character, the player starts being flung around by the gun even if I have the gun’s colliders disabled.