First person controlls on a third person character

hi guys i have been struggling to do this for a while. basically at the moment i have managed to get a control style similar to a MMO. The character runs forward with W keyboard key then A and D keyboard keys rotate the character.

What i would like to do though is similar to a fps game where the mouse controls character rotation. so that i can run forward with the keyboard but then the character will turn left or right based of the mouse . thanks

Check these out: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums
lots to learn in there.
Lesson 5 and later of the ‘3rd Person Game with Blueprints’ course in particular.
A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums

thanks but i figured it out. i basically used the controls from the first person shooter but then adapted it to have a third person mesh with a camera attached to a spring arm. Then i used a blendspace to make the animations work. i now have a fully animated character but with rotation controlled by the mouse :-p

I think you need to toggle UsePawnControlRotation when switch to FPS or TPS. You can find that in Spring Arm Component.