My character won’t stop moving no matter what I do and it’s literally driving me insane (they move wherever the camera is facing). I found that the root of the problem is the first person controller, and this is what I have for movement:
It’s the same one from here: [Link][2]
If I replace the “inputaxis” with a simple key press, I stop moving automatically but I won’t continuously move if I hold the button down. I deleted the other “keybindings” like controller support just to be sure that that wasn’t the issue, but it didn’t fix anything.
As a second question, are these the same nodes for movement that the controller uses by default? If not, can someone show me an image of what it looks like? I don’t need this exact setup for movement, I just need something because I deleted it thinking I would never need it again. (The player was originally meant to be stationary, but I just decided to revamp and allow movement)