First Person Camera to an Actor Camera

I was just wondering if this can happen. You have a first person character, and let’s say (two puzzles: a lock on safe and a sliding puzzle on a table and they each have their own cameras).

Can you somehow have the first person camera switch to the lock puzzle when the player click on it, and they switch back into first person camera when the player either click a widget button to get out of it or do a right mouse click. And the same thing with the sliding puzzle?

Set View Target With Blend’ is what you are looking for. Keep in mind you will have to manage the swapping yourself.

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Sorry for the late reply, I didn’t get a notification.

So I managed to change the camera view to that of the other object, now I just have to figured out how to switch back to first person.

Switching it back just takes in your controlled pawn (character if you are using the templates) as the new view target. I will add that having multiple cameras on a pawn will confuse this node sometimes. So it’s best to keep your character or pawn minimal if you want to use this method.

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I have figured it out. Thank you so much

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