Hello! I have a “aggro” blueprint built where an actor gets lerped to another actor’s location by using a “collision sphere event”, and then relocating the targeted actor to be lerped to below the map when the lerped actor runs into a smaller “collision sphere”, and then relocating all the spheres to the lerped to actor below the map. Problem is, after the actor collision with the two spheres, all of the other blueprints and actors I have in the accessible level seem like the behavior of the “collision is now set to ignore” on every blueprint and actor that is dynamic in the level… This does not seem normal, maybe it’s a glitch? The actors function just fine before any “aggro collision event” takes place. After the actor lerps, the player character can engage overlap events with the actors but now the physical collision becomes broken (can walk through locked doors) and projectiles go through actors when they should reflect or register, to make this even more clear. This is rather frustrating and I don’t know what to do to fix this lol, what should I do?
The aggro / lerp / relocate blueprint is 4-5 pages long.
The actors are basic 2D sprite actors with the collision spheres or boxes anchored to them.
Could you post some pictures of the level layout and blueprints. It’s a little difficult to follow.
Sure no problem, I’ll edit them in.
Here is the “Event Hit” blueprint.
Ok, quick look at what you have there. I’d say your main problem is that EVERYTHING is on the update pin of the timeline. That means that EVERYTHING on the right, is getting called EVERY FRAME. I don’t think that’s what you mean?
Best to separate. Put the stuff you want to happen every frame on the update pin, everything else on the finished pin.
Hahaha, thank you, okay I see what that does now. Crazy. So if I want to leave the Timeline in the same place I would remove the Update execute and execute with the Finished pin?
Only put the stuff on the timeline update pin that needs to change every frame 
I think you want the rest of it to happen after the timeline, right? Then put it on the finished pin.
Okay I understand. Yeah, you got it. Problem I’m having now is the actor isn’t engaging any overlaps when I have the Finished pin is linked up instead of the Update, hahaha.
Hahaha yes this is my first project, this feels kinda brutal lol, I’ll do my best 
When the zombie actor moves over a survivor actor collision sphere/box, it should move the zombie with visual animation to the actors location and despawn / relocate both actors.
Only problem I had with destroying actor I had is, I cannot access that specific blueprint anymore if I need or want to call it again later in the level.
For some reason I had to relocate the zombie too, because the actors tend to warp willynilly with the lerp timeline, now I wonder if it could be their blueprint causing the warping… lol
Yes you got it
I have them to relocate underneath the level floor
I will give this a shot and let you know how it performs, thank you very much! 
Something like this ( this is in the Survivor ):
I’ll take a look…
EDIT: It’s kinda nightmareish code 
Just give me in a couple of sentences, what you’re trying to do…
Sorry, I’m not trying to be brutal 
So when a zombie overlaps a survivor, it should ‘merge’, and then they both move somewhere else?