First Archchitectural Vizualization on UE4

This is my First ArchViz in UE4 I tried to use the the illumination principles that kooala did, but i got lost somewhere :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel like the effect of the postprocessvolume is lost during the matinee (look at the difference between the camera presentation a and the player controlled part)

Not bad! I would give you 2 constructive criticism if you donโ€™t mind. Adjust your background image perspective, itโ€™s way off. Also, try to study photo/video composition for the camera movements because it feels a bit like a rollercoaster ride hehe! Keep up the good work.

You can set the priority to the postprocessvolume to override individual camera settings I think. Check it out. Your postprocessvolume and your cameras must have different effects, hence the difference between the matinee and the freelook.

Thanks! i am loking for criticism and advice, forgot to mention that. Thanks for the tip for the postprocess/camera settings.