Ok so I am having two issues. The first one involves the picture down below. I used this same blue print in a later project and it fired off when the health was less than 100 but now it wont. Any suggestions why?Name: Issue with seeing triggering and Why wont my event automaticly fire.jpg
The second one is that the orange line that appears in the connectors of the events is no longer showing up when they fire. I don’t believe i disabled anything but anything is possible right? Any advice for getting it back because it an imperative debugging tool for me.
Once you click play instead of simulate it would probably automatically select the object, if it was the only 1 in the level anyway. That’s probably why you were seeing it before.
the only 1 in the level, not level 1. Once you have multiple actors of the same type in your level it wont default to 1 on the debug blueprint. You have to start the game and then it will give you a dropdown once it spawns your character. During simulation your character is not spawned in the level so there is nothing to debug.
Ok it worked thank you guys so much for the help. I do have one more question. Is there any way to do this with out starting the game like making a reference to the character to use in the debug filter instead?