Fire Custom Event in AI_Controller from Player Controller

Alright, I am trying to build a game, where you control a pawn that can only walk between a grid of certain waypoints. (Boardgame style)

I have used the third person template to create a waypoint grid, an AI_Character and an AI_Controller. The functions “move to actor” (actor = the waypoint) work well when automated. Now I’d like to trigger them by pressing a key. E.g. walk to next waypoint. I do this, because I like the way the AI Navigation System works.

As I understand, the AI_Controller Blueprint doesn’t accept keyboard inputs, so I would like to have the player controller accept the input (e.g. left arrow) and somehow pass it one to the AI controller to do the moving.

However, I have spend hours trying to get it to work without success. Whats the correct / best way to do this?

Any help is welcome! Thanks!

In case my description is not clear enough, I’d like to do what “lluo” suggests in his answer to this question:

If anyone is interested, I solved it like this:

I am using a player controller without an actual mesh (as a dummy) to control the ai characters including the player, which is an ai character. I am using “ai move to”. Works like a charm.