Fingers moving sideways after re-targeting animations

I am trying to re-target the hand animations from the VR template onto the whole character (Manny). The re-targetting (using two IK Rigs and an IK Retargeter) was mostly successful but the the animations translate the fingers sideways as can be seen in this image:

Two questions for now:

  1. Does his have to do with the difference in bone orientation in the skeletal rigs?

  1. (How) can this be solved in the re-targeting or should I use a different approach?


You are dealing with bad starting poses.

To get retargeting to work correctly you’d have to copy over the initial rotation of the mannequin’s skeleton onto the animations base skeleton or viceversa.

There’s a process in blender for doing this illustrated here by moving the mannequin to a TPose for creating, and back to the regular A pose for export/usage.

Honestly, all your other options are going to be bad.
You could set your skeleton retargeting settings to animation scaled for the bones, or to skeleton depending on which ones work best, but it wont really work right…

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Thanks for that tip. Seems like the Blender addon is mostly geared towards full skeletals.
I thought some more about it and decided to manually adjust the 4 animations on the hands in editor. That was a bit less overhead for 4 smaller adjustments I guess.

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