I retargeted the animation. It is fine in previews, but after exporting animation, the fingers are changing scales constantly. How can I fix it?
Can you post a video of the behavior?
If Epic does not allow you to post videos, can you post a YouTube link of your upload/
Are the two skeletons different or the exact same?
They are different. I can fix it in 3dmax , and it works. I also found the target’s skeleton is mirrored. Perhaps that’s the reason.
And how did you retarget them? Not all methods are the same.
(Assuming you still have the issue?)
My original skeleton is NIER and the target is Elden Ring. I’ve tried to replace the target’s skeleton with SK Mannequin_Skeleton, and there is no problem. Maybe the Elden ring’s skeleton has some issues.
No, your skeleton is fine. However, if the skeletons are not IDENTICAL, then retargeting can become… difficult. You also need to make absolutely certain that the RETARGET POSES are identical.
It looks like you did that, but because the SCALE of the skeletons is different, that is what may be causing the issue. (For example, Elden Ring character may have BIGGER HANDS than the EPIC GAMES character.)
There’s probably a setting that you can click, but Unreal is so big, that unless someone who has had your exact problem sees this, you may not figure this problem out for a while.
Understood. Many thanks for your advice!
I ‘ve fixed this issue. The target’s skeleton had some issue. It’s fine when I use original skeleton from the game.
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