The standard Control Rig in UE5 comes with finger controls that can’t be manipulated independently. What I mean is that whenever I move the index finger all other fingers except the thumb move with it. I understand the usage of that function in some cases, but I really prefer to have every finger move without influencing their neighbour. I’ve been digging through the control rig blueprint and I couldn’t find anything to turn off/on. Does anyone know how can I disable this thing? I have attached pictures to show the issue. The only thing I was doing was rotating the first control bone of the index finger in one axis and other fingers followed.
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Comparing a Metahuman rig to the Mannequin rig, it appears that only with the MannyCtrlRig you have the “Auto Interpolate” boolean, which is enabled by default with Manny, while with a Metahuman CtrlRig you don’t have this boolean.
So in Sequencer, disable Auto Interpolate and you’re good to go
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I can’t find that boolean anywhere. I’ve been able to dig up the Interpolate Interlacing Controls function inside the Control Rig’s blueprint, but there is no option of switching it off. If I disconnect that function I’m getting a compile error, so that’s not an option either.
Ah yes, that was it. Thank you for saving me from a massive headache!
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