Finding your PURCHASED assets

Epic please make the launcher have some way of quickly and easily finding purchased assets. Something to where you can click show only purchased. Right now you have to dig and look closely at the word Purchased that is mixed in with everything else and it ends up being a very frustrating experience. Even the font color is the same so there is no quick way of finding what I bought. Maybe on the left where is says News, Learn, Marketplace, Library. Why not have a sub-category under Marketplace that says Purchases. Not to mention that over time people will have bought a few things and those purchases may be forgotten about, and how its setup there no real way to remind yourself of assets that have been purchased.

Thanks Epic


+1. /10char.

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And make a search box to search/filter on title!

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+1 and a search box would be nice.

Hi Rippster! Sorry for the inconvenience at finding purchased content. This is actually something we’re currently working on improving, because right now it definitely isn’t as easy as it could or should be.

Also, adding a search box is planned. All the web Marketplace features you’re used to will be making their way into the launcher, and it’s being worked on as we speak. :slight_smile:

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+1 I have no way to know what I’ve bought so far… every time i need a specific bought marketplace item I need to review all receipt… this is a pretty bad missing feature for a marketplace.

+1 for this. It would be really helpful

Hey there!

Items purchased from the marketplace are now displayed through the launcher in your vault. Click the library tab and scroll to the bottom to find it.

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Yes… but no…
It only shows the items that you have downloaded, not all the items purchased.
So if you have items that you have purchased, but not downloaded, there’s no easy way to find them.

Edit: there’s only one method to actually know all the items that you purchased. Go to your account on the Unreal web page and go to Payment History. That’s the only place where they are all listed, but you’ll still have to search each item by hand as there’s not direct link to it.

You are wrong. The vault shows all the purchased assets to download.

You may be right…

But the Vault’s description clearly states “The Vault contains all the items you have downloaded from the Marketplace.”. It says downloaded, not purchased.

But yeah, I did the test with a learn package and it showed up even if I didn’t download it, just “purchased” it.

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There is a drop down in the Library, how about a selection Purchased.


yes, i need that too, i have over 2500 items in the vault, can’t filter the search to show me the items i have purchased.


7 years later and this experience is still abysmal. Simply adding “owned” and “not owned” as filters in the search box on the marketplace would resolve this issue ENTIRELY and considering the data is marked up to indicate whether you own it or not, simply means no one is taking the time to focus on this or sees the value (as compared to other things) however, it’s something that is sorely needed. Searching through the things you own is downright impossible. I use a 3rd party tool to HIDE things I own from view in the marketplace but it doesn’t work as well to SHOW only the things I own (when using the search box).

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Bumping this because you used to at least be able to look at the “Vault” to see all your owned content from the Marketplace.

Now it just points back to so that’s not a good sign.
Honestly, been getting nearly all the free content for years has resulted in the list of content I own being very difficult to find anything in.


Another bump, I have no idea what has happened, but this is ridiculous. I have to spend an extra couple of hours just to find what assets I have.


god why did they remove it.


I’m in total agreement with you if you’re having the same frustration I’m having, a better example of how angry one of their platform functions can make you is the fact that for example I bought over 1k worth of assets from them as recent as early winter last year and not a single one can ever be used now. I think if that’s how they do business in those cases they should be open to handing out refunds, because essentially it’s just straight theft of devs money. At least I can say Unity retains all previous versions and people never seem to have issues being able to use assets they had intended on utilizing in the future. I’ll be disputing the charges either way and I normally don’t fail at regaining money I consider was straight up stolen from me by a vendor of any type.

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It’s a shame that there isn’t someone watching these areas and at least answering about it. Unity was also ignoring people about these kind of issues at the time. Now the result is clear.

Develop an easy way to see what I’ve purchased. And inform your customers about it.


Not sure when it happened, but it appears the Vault is back.

No way to search, and everything is organized by date of purchase with no other way to change it, but heck, it’s better than nothing.

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