Does anyone know how to search and find all of the blueprints in the content folder that use a certain component?
I’m trying to find and re-save all of the blueprints I created that might have been affected by a core redirect.
Does anyone know how to search and find all of the blueprints in the content folder that use a certain component?
I’m trying to find and re-save all of the blueprints I created that might have been affected by a core redirect.
Maybe you can use the binocular search?
it searches all BPs.
But if you change something that requires other BPs to be saved, you should see that number come up in the save button
Hey there @xenofsnstudios! I would recommend trying the advanced search as Clockwork recommended as well, but just came by to note that any core redirects that happen should cause the engine itself to search for every asset effected and make the changes on it’s own normally. Did that prompt never occur or are you attempting to debug an issue it may have caused?
You can use the ResavePackagesCommandlet
Hey SupportiveEntity,
I just wanted to remove the core redirects from the ini file because having them there just didn’t sit right with me. So, in order to do so, I wanted to recompile and save any blueprints that had been affected by the classes I renamed. I was just wondering if there was an easy way to do this.
I ended up just taking note of blueprints that would be affected by the change by looking at the references to blueprints in Jetbrains Rider with “Find Usages” with a previous git commit, and then resaved those blueprints. Not elegant, but it seems to have worked.
something like -exclude /Engine/ before pressing the binoculars or even tagging a checkBox would be awesome.
Here is a direct answer for the original question posed, as googling for this question came up with this forums post that unfortunately does not provide the answer.
There is a search window called “Find in Blueprints”, accessed via the Tools sub menu in UE5. This will search through all blueprints in the project. This doc page has details on filters you can use Searching in Blueprints in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community
To search through blueprints for a specific component, you would use the following string
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