Wondering if i can find if a certain object is under a specified location (vector2d) on a umg screen, for example if i have a 1280x720 screen, finding out what is at 640,360 (ie the center of the screen) (if for example theres a button underneath, give me a reference to that button, hell even an array of results that i can sift though)
I cant find any information on this and to be honest im not even sure its possible at the moment, its a bit of a roadblock for me in my current project
I think a way around it might be making an array of all the objects, slotting them all as canvas slots and seeing if the position is inside the bounds of the location & size of the buttons one by one) but this seems super slow and more of a brute force method, so I’m wondering if i can avoid doing that.
If theres no way to do this in blueprints, Has anyone got some hints on how to accomplish it in code (i know this isnt
the place for coding lessons but i figure it doesnt help to ask)