Find where in a blueprint graph a file is referenced

I’ve been consistently running into this problem, would be great if someone could help me out if there is a way.
Let’s say I have a sound sfx_explosion FILE/ASSET (random names) and I want to find its reference in a bp_enemy. I can click on a reference viewer and it will show me that the file is referenced in bp_enemy but it won’t show me WHERE on the graph it’s referenced. If I search the blueprint it also won’t show because it doesn’t how file dependencies/ you can’t really search by file names if I understand correctly. So is there any way to do this besides searching manually through all of the nodes of bp_enemy?

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Right click on the variable bp_enemy inside of your gamemode list of variables, and click “Find References”, and then you will be able to visit all of its references on the graph.

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Its not about variable, its about a file referenced in blueprint.

Oh, sorry I’m not sure :confused:

The blueprint search (ctrl+f) works for filenames as well.

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