Find references of Function defaults to "in current BP only"

When a function is used from a macro (e.g. in player controller), find references will not mark that function as used.

  • Create an actor (e.g. Unit) with a function (e.g. GetMovesCount)
  • implement the function to return a value
  • use that actor (Unit) in a custom player controller
  • in the custom player controller, make a macro (e.g. PrepareMoves)
  • call on the Unit’s function → GetMovesCount
  • back in the Unit, right click the function “find references”

Expected: 1 reference, in the player’s controller’s macro

Actual: no reference found

Find Reference does not show it because it automatically ticks the “Find In Current Blueprint Only” which makes no sense from a UX perspective. The user is trying to find references of a pubicly accessible function - Why show the private accessors only?

This is big issue because deleting the function, saving and compile will prevent Undo from recovering the function (if not crashing the IDE, oh hello).



You need to untick the Find in Current Blueprint Only box.


Ok WHY would “right click, Find references” always TICK that box?!

That makes NO sense at all. The user is trying to find references! This is a public accessor.

I will rephrase my bug report, thanks Erin.