Find not registered camera in component

I just had a case where all but one cameras were registered.
To find it I marked all the cameras in 3D view and then looked at the images list to see which one was missing the orange marker.
Is there a more intuitive or faster way to find those cameras?

:slight_smile: invert selection or sort by similarity in 2Ds and scroll down (sorting is in SCENE ribbon, when you focus 2Ds). But you are right, we should add “filter registered” option too.

Hi admin,

oh my gosh, these filters are tremendously helpful!
Especially the “similar” one is genial!
I have not been aware of them so far…

Would it be possible to implement them in 1D view as well, along with the other info (green dots etc)?

I think you added an option “filter unregistered”, is that right?
It seems to work on one component only.
That still doesn’t solve my problem when I try to find unregistered cameras, especially if there are several components.
Or did I not understand how to use it properly? :slight_smile:

Since version you can also display unregistered images in the 2Ds view: click an image in the 2Ds view, and choose “unregistered” from the 2D scene context tab at the top of the application.
