Find look at Rotation pointing in the opposite direction

Hello I am working on a wire between two points. I want to set the location to one point and then find the angle between them so that the wire connects both points. This is what the code below does

void ABaseWire::ConnectPowerSource(FVector DrainerConnection, FVector SourceConnection, AItem* PowerSource, AItem* Drainer)

	SetActorScale3D(FVector(10, 10, 100 *(FVector::Distance(DrainerConnection, SourceConnection) / 100.0)));
	FRotator RotationVector = UKismetMathLibrary::FindLookAtRotation(SourceConnection, DrainerConnection);


However the rotation is always in the opposite direction, I am not sure what causes the problem but the rotation is calculated with findlookatrotation(). Thank you in advance for the help.

Hi JadedTester7461,
Did you try swapping the SourceConnection and DrainerConnection around in the FindLookAtRotation()?

I just did and strangely it didn’t change anything. The wire pointed the same way.

What if you try just
FRotator RotationVector = (DrainerConnection - SourceConnection).Rotation();

I tried this, and again it pointed the same way. I also tried setting the location to the drainer to make sure that was in the right place and it was. I also tried changing the orientation of the mesh right now it goes straight up the z axis, but I tried changing that to the Y axis which made no difference. I am starting to think there might be something else going on since all these things don’t change the rotation.