Find at look pointing problem.

I’m making a cannon that points to the player character and fires. The problem is that it points the character but with a short range of angle and with a wider angle. If you look at the screenshot in game you can see to the left the pawn and to the right the cannon firing too much high. I’m not able to resolve this problem, find look at rotation doesn’t works very well for me.

Wrong way around :slight_smile:


Also, set world rotation


You can’t jumble local and world. It’s best to stick to one.

For the first question…i tried also inverting the target and the start for find look at rotation but it’s worse! The cannon starts pointing down below the ground!
For the second question i also used set world location for that component but again it doesn’t work!

Many things to consider here. For lookat to work, your X vector ( the forward vector ) needs to be pointing along the barrel of the cannon. Is that the case?

Also, rinterp does nothing unless it’s used on tick.

Can you just show the cannon model?

No clue what I’m looking at but here’s a cannon:

We are making some progress.
The mistake was the x vector not pointing along the barrell…now the cannon points the right way but it points only in front of it and not when the pawn is on the cannon right…behind it.

And yes a tick is used to call che fuction.