Find all Classes/Assets of the Contentbrowser

I am currently struggling with finding a way to get a list of potentially everything that is seen in the contentbrowser.
I want to fill a combo box with options similar to the way for example the proposals when you select a Mesh for a Static Mesh Component.

What I am trying to do is to create a tool so every Actor in the current Map can be replaced by a chosen Actor.

So far i found the Asset Registry. But the Asset Registry just searches the content browser, wich isn’t what i am looking for.
The Asset Manager also doen’t seem to be doing anything I need.

It would be awesome if anybody has an Idea that could help me or knows how its done.

Also: Is there a way to see how those panels of the detail panel are build without using the source version of the engine?

You can get an array of all assets in a project:

Assets of Class:

Also, you can get a folder tree:

I recently published a Runtime Editor where I use the Asset Registry and build the detail panels:

However, I filled in the detail panels manually since I cannot automatically get all the properties of the classes from the blueprints.

thank you very much for your answer. I already tried “GetAssetsByClass” and “GetAllAssets”. Wich didn’t really work in my case.
However the “GetAssetsByPath” does the trick. I was to focussed on a solution without having specific paths, that i totally dismissed this way of doing it.