I need a blueprint logic which can check names for selected actors on the level and if there is an actor with unique name (no duplicates), then it shows up on the screen.
Details: I have two maps with exactly the same actors (lights,reflection captures etc.). But as soon as the first map is getting new actors I want to have a possibility to quickly track those new actors and copy them to my 2nd map (optimized one).
For this I create a new persistant map, add those 2 maps as sublevels and now I have a list of objects in my world outliner - many objects have the same name, but they are placed on different maps. I want BP to show me If there is an actor on MAP_01 which I don’t have on MAP_02 yet
I started with this, but currently can’t understand how to compare names, get unique one and store it somewhere or at least print it so I can see what exact actor is it